Tessellation everywhere
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In nature, Tessellated Material Systems (TMS) appear convergently across species and at all length scales. Their evolutionary success is based on the ability to unify mechanically opposing properties in one functional system. While the application of tessellations in Design and Architecture was and is focusing on the geometrical and structural benefits, this practice-based PhD project explores a different Design approach shifting the focus from structure to material. The aim of this research is to develop methods for designing hierarchical materials that lead to multi-functionality allowing for context sensitivity.

supervised by
Prof. Carola Zwick and
Prof. Jörg Petruschat -
weißensee school of art and design 

Felix Rasehorn

Tessellated Material Systems 
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CA2RE+ is a joint platform for research in all fields of architecture, design and arts, and supports early-career researchers and PhD students to improve the quality of their research within the realm of Design Driven Research.

Part of CA2RE+ Hamburg

DDR Statement

Tessellated material systems are relevant to a range of scientific disciplines. At “Matters of Activity” we formed an interdisciplinary group (consisting of researches from morphology, material science, engineering and design) to collaboratively explore tessellation systems. Within the group my background as Industrial Designer adds new possible modes of investigation. The notion of prototyping and iterating with materials and software, supported the natural scientists in the creation of classes, relevant for categorizing natural tessellation systems. Further does the presented workflow rely on a degree of abstraction that is modulated by the choice of material and materialization. The material driven investigation embraces that prototypes might sometimes not be able to answer questions but even pose new once. Within the group physical prototypes are used as mediators. These research objects help to communicate across disciplines and to define a common ground of knowledge. Through the process of prototyping aesthetic decision making and intuition are made productive, resulting in objects that carry information. A constant and regular exchange between disciplines is necessary to ensure the added value of the created research objects. To investigate further aspects of tessellated material systems, new modes of material and materialization will be developed. Through the multi-disciplinary exchange new needs and levels of complexity are addressed towards the production of prototypes leading to a development of tools essential for design driven research.

Reflection Workshop (Methodic)

Johan Van Den Berghe (KU LEUVEN)

- Reflecting-on Design as looking back at past design work

- Reflecting-in Design as observing ongoing design actions amidst the present action itself

- Research-for Design as a reflection of future design based on the two previous stages. 

Verbalization as tool to make thinks implicit

A piece of reflection that you can bring to a discourse

Moments of change -> due to reflection