Tessellation everywhere
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In nature, Tessellated Material Systems (TMS) appear convergently across species and at all length scales. Their evolutionary success is based on the ability to unify mechanically opposing properties in one functional system. While the application of tessellations in Design and Architecture was and is focusing on the geometrical and structural benefits, this practice-based PhD project explores a different Design approach shifting the focus from structure to material. The aim of this research is to develop methods for designing hierarchical materials that lead to multi-functionality allowing for context sensitivity.

supervised by
Prof. Carola Zwick and
Prof. Jörg Petruschat -
weißensee school of art and design 

Felix Rasehorn


Joining Perspectives on Haptics

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Why is the topic of haptics important to us humans and what does this mean for the multitude of scientific disciplines represented in the cluster? In three dense days of workshops, the participants explored the topic of haptics together through the lens of design practice, history of knowledge, cultural studies, philosophy and computer science. Through experiencing demos, creating rapid prototypes, and reflection experiments, a practice-based mode of exploration was collectively developed. Through this rather broad approach, the participants sought to unfold the layers that make up haptic experiences in order to develop a shared understanding and vocabulary of the term.

Organized by MoA Design Research Studio – Embodied Interactions / March 2022